Barnsley MBC had an Official opening of the new surfacing of the Trans
Pennine Trail, between the Show Ground and Shore Hall Lane at Millhouse, on
Monday 11th February. Martyn Cartwright and Pauline Senior
were invited to the opening as the Club had sent BMBC a letter of support when
they were bidding for funding to complete the works. The
Council obtained a grant from the East Peak Innovation Partnership as well as
providing some of the money themselves. They also have
funding in place to complete the next section up to the A628 at Bullhouse
If you have already been on the surface, you will notice how different it
is to other hard “tarmac” footpaths. This is a new material
which the Council is trialling and is made up of old shredded car tyres,
aggregate and a clear resin to bind them together. A reported
9,500 tyres were used over the 1.3 mile length. It is a cold
laid material which is mixed on site, laid and spread out and then flattened out
with a trowel, similar to laying concrete. It is then left to
cure for three days and is porous so that water can pass through it to prevent
When running on it , you can feel how flexible and spongy it is similar to
a Tartan Track and will no doubt reduce the impact on the knee and ankle
It is also
great news for the Penistone 10K Road Race as the race will now all be on a
tarmac hard surface which hopefully will help attract a higher entry.
Martyn Cartwright
Editor: That would be SOME bin Martyn!
Dear Martyn and Pauline
Thanks for attending the official opening this morning.
Unfortunately the Chronicle photographer turned up at 11 rather than 10 having
been given the incorrect time by his office. There were a few people still
around but I am hoping they will use one of the photos we took of the whole
With regards to the Penistone 10k run on the 30th June (11am
start) there is nothing else in the TPT Diary at present but I have included the
TPT office in this email so it can go on the diary.
I would strongly recommend the following:
- advance warning signs of the event at key access points -
Shore Hall Lane, Leapings Lane, Skatepark and green road - this will enable
users to make their own choice about the route on that day rather than be faced
with Marshalls etc.
- Please can you ensure the marshalls etc are aware that the
users of the Trail have priority over runners, so participants will have
to work round them, unless a temporary closure application is made to prevent
public access. I would rather everyone works together so we don't have to put a
closure on for future events.
Many thanks and when I have the photographs I will forward
them onto you
Sarah Ford
Senior PROW Officer
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