Friday, 8 February 2013

PFR - Meeting Minutes




Chairman Keith Gordon, Treasurer Pauline Senior, Secretary Martyn Cartwright, Ian and Sue Charlesworth, Jill Davis , Anne Smythe, Janet Proctor, Sue Higham, Craig Birchall, Geoff Dimelow,  Teresa Wall, Nick Whittingham, Barbara Haigh, John Spencer, Pete McLeod, Steve Millwood, Pete Stanley, Jane Cockerton, Bob Innes, Jill Wolff, Annie Lightowler, Jane and Dave Foster, Ray Brown.


Anne Beresford, Steve Dickinson, Ellen Brookes, Dave Needham.


The minutes of the previous meeting have been circulated and were passed as a true record.  Prop Bob Innes, Sec. John Spencer.


There were no matters arising.


The relevant correspondence was read out.


The Treasurer presented her quarterly report.


Pauline Senior presented the following report.

Richard Kent was proposed as a Life Member by Pauline Senior, sec. Martyn Cartwright.  All in favour.

Steve Storey has resigned from Dark Peak and is now a full member of PFR & AC including Fell.

New Members registered                                               Resignations

Sara Hart                                                                           John Rowe

Emma Stead                                                                     Nicola Skegg

Dean Feetham                                                                  Alan Pogorzelec

Karen Feetham                                                                 Jake Pogorzelec

Lisa Ross                                                                         Jackie Hetherington

Paul Cline                                                                         Denis O'Gorman

James Pierce

Juniors registered                                                           Junior resignations

Grace Feetham                                                                 Olivia Knight

Annie Feetham                                                                 Christopher Ayres

                                                                                          Josephine Melton

Juniors not registered                                                      Jacob Kendrew

James Fryers

Laurel Claydon

Annie Helliwell

Frances Helliwell

Hugh Mackie

Proposed Geoff Dimelow, sec. Sue Higham that these be accepted.


Janet Proctor presented the following report.  Ian Wragg has organised a bike ride and Annie Lightowler a weekend in the Lake District.  The Xmas Disco was well attended and there had been several runs and a fancy dress run over the Xmas period.  She thanked everyone who had organised these and taken part.  Gary and Caz Dean are organising the annual pub crawl on the 19th January and Ian Wragg has arranged a Wentworth Woodhouse tour on the 24th.

It was proposed that we hold the Presentation evening at Cubley Hall in the Carvery Restaurant, which  can be hired for £100.  It was agreed to book the venue for the 20th March and to ask John if he will present the awards.

It was agreed that Keith Gordon, Pauline Senior, Martyn Cartwright, Geoff Dimelow and Teresa Wall would nominate 5 members for the Merit Award Trophy and send these round to members to vote.

Steve Dickinson has proposed that we organise a trip to the Amsterdam Half Marathon on 20th October.  This date would clash with the Fell Relay and also the SYCC league fixture.  Steve to be informed of this.


Ian Charlesworth presented the following report.  Generally, attendance has been in the mid 40's and there is still a waiting list.  There had been a good entry in the SYCCL in the younger age groups and Harry Shelbourne had finished 3rd.  12 members have competed in the Indoor Athletics with some good performances.  Indoor high jump sessions have been held at PGS and two members have qualified for the Yorks. Championships, with 1 also in the javelin.  It is hoped to organise more of these indoor sessions.  There has also been a good attendance at the Junior Winter League.


The lease negotiations are currently in the hands of the Solicitors and it is hoped this will be complete by the end of the month.  Keith Gordon will then be able to apply for a grant to Sport England.  The land behind the football pavilion is not owned by the Football Club but is leased from BMBC.   This may restrict the amount of development which can take place If we are successful in obtaining the grant.


Paul Fryers, Paul Hinchliffe and Wayne Blackburn are booked onto an Assistant Coach Course at Keighley on the 26th/27th January.  Steve Frith is hoping to attend a course in April and is intending setting up sessions for new runners in the hope that they will eventually join the Club.


Road – The SYRRL fixtures are at Oxspring 10th April, Lodge Moor 17th April, Bradfield 24th April and Pickburn 8th June.  Numbers to be obtained from Dave Needham.

Fell – Simon Rippon thanked Nick and Teresa for organising the teams for last years Fell Relay.  This year the event will be at Llamberis, Snowdonia.  He reminded everyone of the change to Rule 10 of the FRA where the age for Junior races has been changed from age on 1st January to age on race day.    Clubs can decide which date they want to use.  English Championship races are to remain age on 1st January and details are in the new handbook.  The Thursday night runs will continue with locations on his facebook site and via e-mails.  Ian Winterburn is hoping to organise some more Navigation Courses in March.

Cross Country – Bob Innes reported that 69 had entered the SYCCL with 21 juniors and the Club had finished 5th in Division 1.  Steve Frith, Ray Brown, Barbara Haigh and Harry Shelbourne had been in the awards.  The Club are organising the Yorkshire Vets CC at Wentworth Castle on the 16th March and the entry form will be circulated.  Help will be required on the day.  He thanked everyone who had helped at the Wentworth Castle event.

Pete McLeod reported that there has been a proposal to split next years SYCCL into a Senior and Junior section and this will be discussed at the next SYCAA Meeting.

Relay – Teresa Wall reported that the Barnsley BR is on the 2nd June.  There is now a copy of the routes which can be accessed, details from Teresa.  She is disappointed that we do not seem to be entering as many relay events as in the past but it is difficult getting members interested.


Senior Winter League – The race last night had to be cancelled but will not be re-scheduled, so this year there will only be 4 races to qualify.  Anne Beresford has informed the Club that she will not be available to help at next years series.  Keith Gordon will take over the results web site but help is still required on the night.  Because of the difficulty in collecting entry fee  for each race, Keith suggested we either have a flat fee for all races or no fee and the Club pays expenses incurred.  Pauline Senior proposed that those entering should pay to cover costs.  A proposal was put forward by Keith, sec. Geoff Dimelow that the Club pays for the cost of the Handicap and a vote was taken.   9 were for the proposal, 3 against with the rest abstaining.  Guests may still run in the event but are not eligible for prizes.

Club Championships -

Juniors -  This will be decided on the Winter League.

Seniors – Craig Birchall has issued the list of races in this years Championship.  A discussion was held on the scoring system, as in the Travellers 6, 52 had competed and as the 1st scored 50 points descending down, then the last 2 runners did not score any points.  Several different systems were proposed and discussed.  The current system for deciding the Challenge Trophy is unfair to the women as the scoring system favours the men.  A separate Challenge for men and women was discussed.  It was agreed to leave the scoring for this years Championship and look to implement a fairer system next year.  To be discussed again at next meeting.

SYRRL – The dates have been published as previous and the club are organising the first race at Oxspring.

Hartcliffe Hill Race  18th April – organisation in hand with cakes again as prizes.

Penistone Boundary Race – Keith Gordon agreed to check the date of this years event.

Yorks. Vets CC 16th March – the club are organising the event at Wentworth Castle and help with marking course and marshalling will be required.


The Club have received a £500 grant from the Masonic Lodge and part of this has been used to buy some Junior equipment and a new Portable PA system.  Nicky Spinks has introduced night orienteering events for the juniors, which have proved very popular and it was agreed to purchase more head torches for this out of the grant.

Keith Gordon still has 4 large red jackets for sale.

A discussion was held on the allocation of the Club entries to the London Marathon.  Nick Whittingham proposed that these should only be eligible to active Club Members who compete in at least 3 open races.  The letter with the entries says it should go to members who have been active for the Club and it was agreed to discuss this at the next  meeting.

A discussion was held on safety at training sessions, especially when it is dark.  There had been an incident last week and members were reminded of their responsibility for themselves and other road users.


The next meeting was arranged for Wednesday, 27th March, as all  Wednesdays in April are taken up by races.

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