Friday, 25 January 2013

Ice Cold Training

 Keep on Training!

Upon retiring from the noble profession of teaching, I received a wonderful leaving present. I can assure you that I had no knowledge of what it might be, or influenced anyone in any way as to what type of pressie I would like.
Being rather slow with anything technical AND being a bloke, I put the instructions to one side and made a determined effort to work out all the functions.
It's a great piece of kit, though I don't use it on every run and I'd never use it in a race situation.

The best feature is the ability to let me know how long I've been working in each ZONE. My training has altered due to the feedback from it. I am trying to spend more time in Zone 2 and 3 than 4 or 5.
Click on the link below and see what you think.

It was a warm up start to Hartcliffe and then a 5k icy blast to Back Lane and Oxspring Lane plus warm down.

If you click on the post title, Keep on Training, under BLOG ARCHIVE - January, then you can post any comments. They won't appear straight away as I'll need to moderate them for people who might abuse this facility.

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